What is 21 Days?

It is said it takes 21 Days to develop a habit. 21 Days to make a real life change. Because of that we are doing this!

We believe that if we intentionally show random acts of kindness to anyone we meet, our families, our community, and our world would become a better place. Much more, it's something we should actually do anyway. Beginning January 12, we are taking 21 Days to do just that.

This site is setup for everyone to share stories of random acts of kindness, or ideas of things we can do for others. Won't you join us for 21 Days?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Received - Acts of Kindness You've Received

Please click on the comments link below and leave an anonymous comment to tell us about Acts of Kindness you've received. We would love to read them so we can be encouraged and rejoice with you in how you've been blessed.


  1. I just wanted to say God is Good!! After hearing Brother Joe message yesterday, someone out of the blue bought my daughter and I lunch today. I was shocked when it happen but blest that someone did that. I could not say Thank you to the person who did for us for the person just took off. God took the credit 100%. Wow! I just wanted to let people know that we need more compassion and love in this world. Just do something simple for someone for it will go a long way. Joni Martin

  2. Every Thanksgiving my mother and I make a large family dinner. We usually make a list of everything we need and make one trip to the grocery store. Several years ago, I was about thirteen, my mom and I headed off for our annual shopping trip. It had been a rough year, and while I was too young to know all the details, I knew that we did not have the money for the groceries. For some reason we went across town to a store that we usually did not shop at. We got everything on our list, and the total was over 150 dollars. When mom started to pay, the cashier informed us that someone else had already taken care of it. They had seen us in the store and decided to anonymously bless my mother and I. They did not know our circumstances, but they made our Thanksgiving possible that year. It has been almost fifteen years, but it is something I will never forget. My mom had told me just to have faith, and God would come through. If I had any doubts about the reality of God, that day at the grocery store made it clear.

  3. My grandmother tells a story of a lady in her church when she was a young mother. She had three small children and was having a tough time getting shoes and a coat for the youngest of three. Someone who had a daughter that was just a little older than hers brought an entire bag of clothes to her and left them on her porch at home. She does not know who the person was, but in the bag there was a new warm coat, and some of the cutest baby shoes she had ever seen. A small task, delivering used clothes instead of trashing them, really made an impact for someone who was tight on cash.

  4. I'm a single mother of 2 little boys and I work full time to barely make ends meet, when a lovely angel asked me if I would allow her to do an act of kindness for me. I was at a little grocery store in noble, OK buying a few things for dinner when a wonderful lady behind me at the check out line, asked to purchase my groceries. She said that she wanted to do an act of kindness. I was floored. I was so in awe of her b/c little did she know that the money that i was going to use to buy that 15$ worth of groceries was all the money I had left for the next 2 weeks. I wanted to cry. She handed my a card and simply asked my to "pay it forward" the next time i have an opprotunity. God sent an angel to me in my time of need and it really restored my faith in him and the people around me. Since then, I have taken all my boys old clothes and donated them, and if the opprotunity arises for me to "pay it forward" I will jump at the opprotunity.

  5. Just this weekend I faced the challenge of moving. Moving shouldn't be such a challenge except for the fact that my husband was in Denver on business and I am 6 months pregnant. I called my friend, Renee, to ask if she knew of anyone who would be willing to help (just needed 2 strong men!). I ended up with 10 people! Tommy, Preston, Dewayne, Mila, Mary, Raymond, Caleb, Vivian, Don and Jim all showed up ready and willing to do anything necessary to get me moved. Renee even offered to watch my children for me! Some of these people I had only met once but not once did anyone complain about how MUCH stuff I had!! The KIDS all chipped in and bought pizzas for everyone. Amazing people!! They even cut up and made it a fairly fun day... considering!! I am truly blessed and God bless them for helping me... until 1 a.m.!!!

  6. I resently got promoted at work amd the next day the car I was driving stop working. That meant I needed to depend on other people to get me to work and home.Which has always been hard for me to do. but this time I put it in god's hands.Then one day I had to call to call an old freind(someone that I would never call for a problem of this kind)for a prayer and she told me that they have a car I could have. I've been blessed more than could've thought possible. My God bless them !!!
